Members of the Stevin Centre collaborate in the following courses on the History of Science and the Humanities:

 Honours course (BA level) in the first semester of the academic year on Science and Religion: Views from History. Staff from the Faculties of Science, Humanities, Theology and Law contribute to this English-taught course. The course is coordinated by the Stevin Centre. Enrolment in this interdepartmental honours course takes place in June. More information about the VU Honours Programme.

A master track Medical History / Medical Humanities, a specialisation within the MA History in the Faculty of Humanities, in the second semester of the academic year. Staff members from different faculties of the Vrije Universiteit and other universities contribute to 3 core courses: Introduction to Medical and Health Humanities; Knowing by Sensing; and Objects of Knowledge in the Medical and Heath Humanities.

General courses on the History of Science and on the History of Knowledge at the BA level for students from different faculties of the Vrije Universiteit, e.g. taught by the ‘History of Knowledge’ staff of the Athena Institute.