Past Events


Speaker: Fokko Jan Dijksterhuis

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Stevin Seminar: Research outside the laboratory, in the field

Date: 27 January 2016
Time: 00:00 - 00:00
Location: VU, W&N Building, Room G 076

15:45 – 16:10 Raf de Bont – Stations in the Field: A History of Place-Based Animal Research, 1870-1930
16:10 – 16:35 Marcel Boumans – Science outside the Laboratory: Measurement in Field Science and Economics
16:35 – 16:50 Debate between the authors
17:50 – 17:15 General discussion with the audience

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Stevin Seminar: Machines as Metaphors: a ‘big picture’ of the history of modern science

Date: 9 December 2015
Time: 00:00 - 00:00
Location: W&N Building VU, C161

Frans van Lunteren on Machines as Metaphors

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Stevin Seminar: Alchemy at Meissen, or How China became china (and Europe transmuted the world)

Date: 11 November 2015
Time: 00:00 - 00:00
Location: VU, Main Building, room 11A24

Stevin Seminar / Graduate Lecture Benjamin Schmidt

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Lecturer: Dr. David Ludwig

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Stevin Seminar: de ontdekkers van de hemel

Date: 10 June 2015
Time: 00:00 - 00:00
Location: VU, W&N Building S631

Discussiemiddag met wetenschapshistoricus David Baneke over zijn nieuwe boek De ontdekkers van de hemel. De Nederlandse sterrenkunde in de twintigste eeuw.

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Stevin seminar with Wouter Goris, professor of the history of ancient, patristic and medieval philosophy at the Vrije Universiteit

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Stevin Seminar: Kuyper en Warfield over evolutie

Date: 4 March 2015
Time: 00:00 - 00:00
Location: VU, W&N Building, F612

Met Gijsbert van den Brink, URC-hoogleraar Theologie en wetenschap aan de Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid.

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Stevin seminar with Niels de Bruijn. Afterwards drinks in The Basket.

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Stevin Seminar with Fenneke Sysling

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Stevin Seminar with Azadeh Achbari. Afterwards drinks in The Basket.

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Description de la Chine_02

Stevin Seminar with Frasie Hertroijs. Afterwards drinks in the Basket.

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RIENK VERMIJ will give an introduction. Then HENRI KROP (philosophy, EUR), WOUTER VERAART (philosphy of law, VU) and IDA STAMHUIS (history of exact-natural science, VU) will react, each from her/his expertise. Plenary discussion.

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Opening Symposium Stevin Centre for History of Science and Humanities

Date: 18 March 2014
Time: 00:00 - 00:00
Location: VU Main Building, PThU-zaal

Opening Symposium Stevin Centre for History of Science and Humanities

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