Symposium on Rienk Vermij’s new book ‘De geest uit de fles: de Verlichting en het verval van de confessionele samenleving’
RIENK VERMIJ will give an introduction. Then HENRI KROP (philosophy, EUR), WOUTER VERAART (philosphy of law, VU) and IDA STAMHUIS (history of exact-natural science, VU) will react, each from her/his expertise. Plenary discussion.
Afterwards drinks will be available.
From 14:30 hr. to 15:15 hr., the Council of the Stevin Centre will present its plans for the next 2 years and an initial proposal for a Stevin Centre MINOR will be discussed.
About the book (link):DE GEEST UIT DE FLES
All interested people are welcome. The language of the Symposium will be Dutch.