Stevin Seminar: The Life of Plants / Het leven van de planten / La vie des plantes
About the author of La vie des Plantes:
Emanuele Coccia was a Fellow at the italian Academy for Advanced Studies in New York (Columbia University) and has worked for toher prestigious institutions as well (e.g., in Germany, at the Max Planck Institute and the University of Freiburg). He has published many works on normativity, aesthetics and metaphysics. His other recent publications include La vie sensible (Paris 2010, translated into Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Rumanian; English translation in press) and Le bien dans les choses (Paris 2013, translated into Italian, Spanish, English and German). With Griorgio Agamben as co-editor, he published an anthology on angels in Christian, Jewish, and Islamic contexts: Angeli. Ebraismo Cristianesimo Islam (Milan 2009, With contributions by O.L. Lizzini, S. PAgani, M. Zonta).
About the speakers:
Marije Martijn is C.J. de Vogel Professor of Ancient and Patristic Philosophy. She works mainly on Neoplatonic philosophy, especially on theories of knowledge, nature and mathematics.
Ype de Boer works on contemporary philosophy, historicity and the relations between philosophy and literature. His PhD research deals with Giorgio Agamben’s methodology and his conception of subjectivity.
Cor Zonneveld is senior lecturer at the Amsterdam University College. He has a PhD in theoretical biology. Since 2005 he has been focussing on teaching biology at the Bachelor and Master levels.
P J Roggeband is a multifaceted artist who is active in the Amsterdam artistic scene. He will be presenting his project about plants and gardens: Uitlaattuin (Walking Garden), Uithuiltuin (Crying Garden), Krokeltuin (Winding Garden).
Olga L. Lizzini is Assistant Professor of Medieval Philosophy (Arabic and Latin). Her research focuses on Medieval Neoplatonism and Arabic philosohpy and particularly on Avicenna.
11.00 -11.05: Introduction by Olga L. Lizzini
11.05 -11.45: Marije Martijn: “The secret life of plants in ancient philosophy”
11.45 -12.25: Ype de Boer, “Vegetative life as a metaphysical-political concept: remarks on
Agamben’s Use of Bodies”
Coffee / Lunch break: 12.25 -14.00
14.00 -14.40: Cor Zonneveld: “The real life of plants”
14.40 -15.10: Coffee break with PJ Roggeband
15.10 -16.10: Emanuele Coccia, “The life of plants” (introduction by Olga L. Lizzini)
16.10: Drinks (Borrel)